Travel Tips

Travel tips on the go on packing, planning, dos and donts

Pretty House with manicured lawn and garden

How to stay for free abroad

Did you know you can have access to FREE accommodation all over the world by offering your place to others, in exchange for stay at their homes?? Yes, to complete strangers from different countries, of different cultures, or speaking a different language from you. And before you panic...

3 Travel Tips for Peace of Mind

What do you do if you are travelling abroad and ‘life happens’? Such as: no access to wifi or ‘free-access’ is not working unexpected rain storm documents are lost to theft or forgotten in the transport that’s already left? promised pick-up is nowhere in sight...

How to travel while employed full time

I’ve travelled to more than 60 countries… that’s A LOT by any standard! And throughout my travels I was on full time employment. No, I’ve never worked for an airline or tour company. However, while some of it was work related, so both cost and time were covered by my employer for those...