Infront of the Big Blue Bear, Denver When it comes to travel, it is full of surprises, sometimes literally around the corner. On an exciting 3-week road trip across the USA (Boston to Los Angeles)...

Infront of the Big Blue Bear, Denver When it comes to travel, it is full of surprises, sometimes literally around the corner. On an exciting 3-week road trip across the USA (Boston to Los Angeles)...
Night tour of the famous Bratislava Castle Frantically planning our next move out of Paris, my sister and I were googling for the cheapest & shortest route via Geneva (Switzerland), destination...
I’m part of generation BBC (Born Before Computers) – and proudly so, I must add! And it fascinates me how much technology has changed and taken over our everyday life. Do you remember (waaaay...
Standing across from Arc de Triumph I bid farewell to my gracious hostess and friend, Catherine, as she stepped out of her disembarking station shouting, “Enjoy!” It was Day2 of my vacation in Paris...
Travel is enlightenment and sobering. One of the many ‘things-to-do’ in Vientiane, the capital of Laos (Northern neighbour of Thailand) is to visit the COPE. An acronym for Cooperative Orthotic and...
What do you do if you are travelling abroad and ‘life happens’? Such as: no access to wifi or ‘free-access’ is not working unexpected rain storm documents are lost to theft or...
I’ve travelled to more than 60 countries… that’s A LOT by any standard! And throughout my travels I was on full time employment. No, I’ve never worked for an airline or tour company. However, while...
If you ever find yourself in Bangkok, Thailand, with a day to spare, one unique experience you might want to add to your ‘to do’ list, is to try river-shopping. Not by a river, or near a river, but...
We made it to our first city stop at 17.15 hours, its name similar to the grandest water feature on the continent, Niagara Falls in Niagara County, New York State of USA. It took us another hour or...