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Traveling back in Time to Stonehenge, UK

I’m part of generation BBC (Born Before Computers) – and proudly so, I must add! And it fascinates me how much technology has changed and taken over our everyday life. Do you remember (waaaay back) when Windows XP was the most common operating system, particularly the desktop...

Eswatini: Africa’s last and only absolute Monarchy

In 2018, to mark the 50th Anniversary of independence, King Mswati III announced that the Kingdom of Swaziland had been renamed as the Kingdom of Eswatini, reflecting the traditional name for the state of eSwatini. And while there were murmurs of discontent from the populace who felt such...

How to travel while employed full time

I’ve travelled to more than 60 countries… that’s A LOT by any standard! And throughout my travels I was on full time employment. No, I’ve never worked for an airline or tour company. However, while some of it was work related, so both cost and time were covered by my employer for those...