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Arc de Triumph, Paris

Standing across from Arc de Triumph I bid farewell to my gracious hostess and friend, Catherine, as she stepped out of her disembarking station shouting, “Enjoy!” It was Day2 of my vacation in Paris and therefore only the second time I was using the underground train to get around. The...

Traveling back in Time to Stonehenge, UK

I’m part of generation BBC (Born Before Computers) – and proudly so, I must add! And it fascinates me how much technology has changed and taken over our everyday life. Do you remember (waaaay back) when Windows XP was the most common operating system, particularly the desktop...

Trois Mamelles, Mauritius

Discovering one of the lesser known secrets on Mauritius” Ancient, enigmatic and beautifully exotic, Mauritius is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. While it is part of the African continent, it lies far away in the Indian Ocean, over 1000 km from its nearest...